Monday, December 31, 2007

Intentions for 2008

The very first blog to which I became addicted was Loretta Marvel's Pomegranates and Paper. Today, she has challenged her readers to make a list of intentions for the New Year and to blog about it. I started out with the title "2008 Intentions" which makes sense to me but I soon realized that that was a LOT of intentions! So, here's a shorter list!

#1 - I intend to write a lot more clearly and will try for not only clear, but concise writing!

I always feel that the New Year is much more a new beginning to me than I imagine it is for others. My birthday was yesterday, December 30th, so the New Year is a big marker of beginning and renewal for moi, Daddy's Little Tax Deduction! In a way, it is of lesser importance and kind of merges into one big three-day celebration, usually marred by a bit of work today, New Year's Eve.

#2 - I intend to see work as something joyful again. A challenge to be taken up, chewed up, spit out, and thoroughly mastered in the way I used to see it.

#3 - I intend to gain a more thorough understanding of my changed priorities and to balance them better with the things I have to do whether I want to or not!

#4 - I intend to make some pretense of cleaning the house or get someone else in to do it for me!

#5 - I intend to make dinner at home once in a while and save the $40 difference in cost.

#6 - I intend to make more art while learning to use my new Bernina 435 EL.

#7 - Tempis fugit! I intend to waste less of it!

#8 - I intend to be on time with my projects.

#9 - I intend to get off my ass and exercise!

#10 - I intend to get my MINI Cooper S Sidewalk this year or bust. Here's MizBunny with my boys sitting there waiting for mommy to help them escape to Colorado!

And, having spouted about a couple of the things I want, I should remind you as well as myself that I've long believed that wanting is often better than having in regard to the accumulation of things. While reading others' blogs today, I came across this quote:

"We tend to forget that happiness does not come
as a result of getting something we don't have
but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

-- Frederick Koening

A project I started earlier this year was a journal of gratitude, the things for which I am grateful. The journal is private but some of the entries are:
  • A wonderful relationship with my own true love, known to you all as The Sports Fan

  • A fun, crazy, loving family - and especially

  • My 94 year old mother whom I have enjoyed this year more than any other

  • All the dogs in my life, past and present: Laddie, Timmie, Parker, Dukie, Bandit, Blue, Gretel, Brownie, Katie, my beloved Jasper (aka My Dapper Dog for whom my website is named), Tinker, Shea, and finally our own two boys who have been with us for a year and two days now, Cody and his son, Chance

  • Good, fun, loving friends

  • That snow exists even if it isn't in my life right now...

  • Relatively good health

  • And best of all: Happiness
And I wish all of you, my lovelies, success, however you define it, and much happiness for 2008 and beyond!


Anonymous Loretta said...


Your list is wonderful and has me thinking about gratitude and wanting vs. having. Much to ponder this quiet New Year's Eve/

all the best this year and next,


Monday, December 31, 2007 6:28:00 PM MST  
Blogger Carmen said...

I am your cheerleader!
Great inspiring post!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 8:45:00 PM MST  
Blogger HeArt Collective said...

You ROCK, Lady!
May all your wants be haves and may all the world's peace be your own.
Happy Belated Birthday!

Friday, January 4, 2008 4:24:00 PM MST  

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