Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I've been tagged by &rew , my friend, Andrew Borloz, to reveal seven things about myself, then tag seven more people.

  1. I like being blonde although I'm convinced that only brunettes are truly beautiful. Maybe we blondes are just too flashy for real outward beauty. Inner beauty is a totally different topic!
  2. I don't mind the 'good' Arizona weather like right now when it's in the 70s, but the 'bad' AZ weather that occurs between May and October when it is over 100 degrees F. is just miserable.
  3. I've given this some thought and in my mind, true comfort can only be achieved laying on one's back, floating naked in the middle of a still pond of water. I've often thought that if I put the right size hot tub out on the patio that I could be happy enough through the summer months here in the Hot Place aka AZ. But in reality, I know that the dogs would get in there with me and want to play, the Sports Fan would cannonball in and disturb me, or my mother would open the patio door to ask me how to work the microwave. And you can't read or type on a laptop floating in water. And Starbucks doesn't do home delivery. It would be easier to just move back to Colorado, wouldn't it?
  4. I've always wanted to put my foot down somewhere where nobody else had ever stepped before. I can't even decide if it is possible without being a mountain climber or an explorer of Brazilian rainforests!
  5. I am driven to analyze everything which is why I always come up with the cons and have to think about the pros. It's also why I can so easily figure out how to do things. See? Bad thing first, then good thing. It's my nature!
  6. Unlike much of the rest of humankind, I am left-footed. That means that my left foot is slightly larger than my right and that that is the foot I lift first to go up steps unless I stop and think about it. And while I'm right-handed, I can do quite a lot left-handed. I spin left-handed on a spinning wheel but not on a handspindle. OK, this is getting too bizarre for you all, isn't it?
  7. I want to have a separate room for everything I do so that I never have to put anything away. I'll just traipse from room to room, doing things. I could then hang out in a room until I've forgotten how to find the other rooms, then have a lovely surprise when I accidentally find one again.
  8. OK, just one more!

  9. I've always wanted to be the sort of girl who could get away with calling people "dude" but I've got this Papa Smurf voice that makes it sound really stupid. Plus the blonde thing kicks in and makes it totally ridiculous coming from me. *sigh*

OK, who to lay this trip on next? Hmmm... Ollie (don't expect her to actually do it because she hardly ever posts to her blog anymore), Maggie (who really only did two posts in 2005 and then abandoned her blog), Julee, Aileen, and Jo. Now I see why &rew apologized when he tagged me. I can't think of two more people who would forgive me for tagging them or who haven't been tagged already. If you are reading this and have a blog, go ahead and tag yourself!


Blogger Ollie said...

good try trying to tag me & you're right...ain't doing it. not because I don't want to but mostly because I have such a hard time seeing the keys to type anymore that it's almost painful. & no, I won't go to the eye doc!!! LOL!!! but briefly, if you must know:
1. painfully shy if there are more than 3 other people w/me.
2. lately, when I think about things, they seem to come true. very scary.
3. I'm embarrassed to be called an IT Specialist when I know next to nothing about computers.
4. still scared of the dark & still sleep w/a nitelite.
5. so far, the 2 love of my lifes have died. so I wonder if that's it or will I get another shot.
6. I'm an awful conversationalist. I don't read the paper or watch the news so that leaves very little to chat about.
7. I still hate the phone & am considered anti-social by many.

well, I gave it my best shot.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:04:00 PM MST  
Blogger HeArt Collective said...

i have no idea who i'll tag...but i'll totally play along... have you met me? i love to talk about me which is why i have blogs! :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:33:00 PM MST  
Blogger Jill said...

Yes! A room for each and every thing! Never have to clean it up.... oh.... heavenly!!!!!
You are my kinda girl!

Friday, March 21, 2008 7:26:00 PM MST  

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